There are 7 energy centres in our body. These energy centres settle on our hormones. All the energy centres, chakras get blocked when we are sad and depressed or stressed or eat incorrectly. As energy flows directly into bodies, we can not get energy when it is closed and our energy falls down. One of the most important ones is the top chakra. Top chakra is very important as it is on the pituitary gland. For all hormones to work correctly, right orders given by pituitary gland is vital. When top chakra is blocked, as we can not get enough energy, our energy falls down. Pituitary gland starts producing happiness hormone and serotonin.
In this case, our protection weakens and we get all the negative energy coming from outside. As there are 7 chakras in our body, sembolically each chakra forms 7 lines protecting us from outside factors. Thinned aura means thinned protection. Colloquially, we can call it glance.
Life quality changes with breathing theraphy and meditation, our aura gets strong and enery centres chakras are opened.
Our life quality changes with breathing theraphy and meditation, our aura gets strong and energy centeres are opened.
As our energy rises, our work opens as well. We feel happy, peaceful, cheerful and healthy.
As Dr Samira Gasımlı says, you spend calorie when you work your phrenic muscle. At the same time gall bladder also works. This way, your work health is useful and also you block formation of gall bladder stones. They occur 80 % in women.
Breathing correctly leads to enhancement of oxygen capacity of lungs, and this enables more oxygen to reach brain. When oxygen reaches brain accurately, we get rid of depression more quickly. We should no forget that oxygen is very important. When brain is with no oxygen for 5 minutes, we can have brain death.
After opening phrenic muscle, blood circulation also enhances. And this tells that our organsa re nurtured and filtered with each blood circulation. Breathing theraphy is very important and it is a different meditation technique.
If you want to do this correctly for your health and peace, you need to get Professional help from Romina Gasımzade.